You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.4. POINT OF SALE Menu: Transaction Processing > 4.4.3. Point of Sale - Docket Creation > Entering the Item Details > Item Details - Repricing an Item Line
Item Details - Repricing an Item Line

To reprice an item line based on total discount, gross profit percent (GP%) or gross profit dollars (GP$):

  1. Display the Item Details screen.

Refer to "Entering the Item Details".

  1. Press Alt + F6.

Micronet displays the Reprice POS Docket screen.

The fields on the left hand side of this screen display the following information:





Sub Total

The subtotal of the order line, excluding additional amounts such as freight, levies, surcharges and GST.



Any GST or sales tax that applies to this order line.


Invoice Total

The line total, taking into account all additional amounts such as GST and surcharges.


Cost of Sales

The amount your company has paid for the items sold.


Gross Profit %

The gross profit percentage on the order line.


Gross Profit $

The $ amount of the gross profit on the order line.

  1. In the Apply By field, select the method of repricing - either:
  2. Enter a value in one of the following fields:





Discount Percentage

Enter the % discount to apply to the line.


Discount Dollars

Enter the $ discount to apply to the line.


Gross Profit %

Enter the gross profit % to apply to the line.


Gross Profit $

Enter the gross profit $ to apply to the line.


Invoice Total

Enter the invoice total for the line.

  1. Press the Tab key.

Micronet calculates the remaining fields in the Reprice POS Docket screen.

  1. Select OK.

Micronet redisplays the Item Details screen showing the new price.